Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Lindsey's Update - Weeks 3 & 4

Our little angel Lindsey is doing great, we love having our new bundle of joy home. We are still adjusting to home life as a new family but loving every moment of it. It has been a hard time for Rich going back to work and not being with his new daughter every moment of the day, however he checks in several times a day and he can not get enough of her when he gets home. I think she is going to be a daddy's girl, she loves it when he sings to her, her face lights up with big smiles.

I have been getting better and a little stronger each day since my surgery, I have been trying to do light duty stuff around the house as well as take Lindsey and Cody for walks outside to get me out and about, which has really helped with my recovery. Lindsey and I had our first outing together on January 10th, we went to Grandma Sara and Pop-pops house for brunch along with uncle Marvin, uncle Michael, aunt Michelle, uncle David and cousin Madison. We then went to the Disney store in Gilbert to do a little shopping. Can you believe I bought little Miss Lindsey more outfits, what was I thinking.....she has so many but I could not help myself. Lindsey did great, she slept the whole time we were out. After going shopping we went and opened her first savings account at Arizona Federal and she was the center of attention that day.

We took Lindsey to get her first professional portraits done at Target for her one month pictures on Saturday January 12th. We dressed her up in purple....oh my gosh she was adorable. She was the best baby and did not cry once, she loved the camera. Can you believe that Lindsey is already a month old as of January 16th, it is crazy how fast time flys. We dressed her up in my favorite color yellow from head to toe, how cute is she.......

Rich and I went on our first date since having Lindsey on Friday January 18th, aunt Michelle watched the baby while Rich and I went out to P.F. Chang's (Chinese food) for dinner. I had my first alcoholic beverage which was a mojito since turning 25 in April of last year oh my goodness I could not hang like I use too I could not even finish my drink it was so strong but very good. Then Rich surprised me with tickets to go see two comedians in person, Collin Mochrie and Brad Sherwood from the show 'Who's Line Is It Anyway" in Phoenix. We had a great time, my abs were hurting so bad the next day from laughing so hard but it was a good feeling because we had so much fun. The next day I went out by myself to a baby shower, it was the first time leaving Lindsey with Rich. I was a little nervous but he did a great job, he really enjoyed bonding with his daughter.
Well that is all for now with the Weiss family. Here are some more updated pictures of Lindsey, click on the following link to view them: http://picasaweb.google.com/twytch111 We love and miss you all very much, take care and talk with you soon!!!!

After each entry there is a comment section, please feel free to add one if you would like.

All our love,
Chantelle, Richard, Lindsey and Cody

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lindsey's Home: Weeks 1 & 2

Well first we hope everyone one had a wonderful holiday season, and we hope 2008 brings happiness and joy to all of your families. We are very excited to get 2008 off to a great start with our new family.

Well Lindsey and I were finally released from Chandler Hospital on Thursday December 20th, after spending 5 long day's being cooped up in a small room with a very uncomfortable bed it was wonderful to finally go home and start our new adventure. The ride home was some what of a bluer to me due to all the medication I was on, but Lindsey she loved the car ride home she was so quiet you would not even have known that she was in the car with us. Once we arrived home we introducted Cody to his new baby sister, he took a sniff and walked away that's how excited he was to meet her. The first night of sleep was rough, I was in such pain that I was not able to sleep in my own bed I ended up sleeping on our couch upstairs in our loft. We put Lindsey right in her new room in her crib, she did as well as expected for a new born.

Still settling in at home we waited for the arrival of our out of town guests. Dad and Cheryl arrived from Canada on Friday December 21st while Mom, Bill and Sam arrived on Monday December 24th. The Weiss hotel was full, we had people sleeping every where. It was the most special Christmas I have had since I can remember. It was so nice to have our new daughter spend her first Christmas with all of her Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. We spend Christmas morning at our house, then we went to Michelle and David's house for Christmas dinner and exchanging of gifts. After a long day we all came home got in our pj's and opened our families gifts around the tree. It was a very special day for all of us.

Rich and I would like to say a special thanks to Dad, Cheryl, Mom, Bill and Sam for all of their help with Lindsey, cooking and assisting us with house duties. We really appreciated all the help, so thank you very much, we love you all.

It was hard being home with a new baby after everyone left and Rich returned back to work, especially with me still recovering from surgery, I was limited to what I can do with the baby and round the house. I did have my follow up visit with my OBGYN doctor last week and she said my incision is healing very well and I am able to get around more, including driving and walking up and down the stairs, I was very excited about the news. I still need to take it easy since it's only been a few weeks since she was born, I'm taking one day at a time.

Lindsey had her new born appointment the day after we arrived home, she weighed in at 9 lbs 3 0z still under her birth weight, the doctor said Lindsey was looking great since being in the hospital. We then had a 1 week appointment which she gained 2 more oz back but still not at her birth weight, the doctor wanted for us to come back a week later to ensure she was gaining the correct amount of weight so Rich and I took her to the doctors last Friday and she gained 8 oz in one week which got her back to her birth weight of 9 lbs 13 oz. The doctor was very pleased her progress and she is now good for 2 months before she has to go back to see the doctor.

So that has been our like story for the past few weeks, it was been rather busy for us. We have also had several visitors stop by to see our new bundle of joy, so thank you for those of you who came to visit us, we have enjoyed your company. We have also taken several pictures over the last few weeks that have been posted on the following website: http://picasaweb.google.com/twytch111 so please check it out. There will be more pictures to come as I'm trying to take weekly photos of Lindsey so you can all see how she has changed. We all love and miss you very much.

Love, Chantelle Richard, Lindsey and Cody